When and how do I apply?

Application forms will be available online at www.leadershipmusic.org  from February 1 – February 28, 2025 for the Class of 2026.

If I have applied in previous years and I want to re-apply for the upcoming Program year, do I need to complete a new application?

Yes.  You need to reapply every year.  If you have applied previously and would like a copy of that application to simplify the process (copy and paste) please email Leah@leadershipmusic.org

I’ve applied several times. Is there a certain number of times to apply before being accepted?

On average, Leadership Music receives 300 applications each year. The pool of applicants in specific categories changes from year to year, and many exceptional candidates apply numerous times before being accepted into the program. The classes are designed to be diverse and balanced, so there may be one slot in your area of expertise. 

Additionally, other factors are considered by the selection committee – segment of business in which you work, diversity, genre, leadership qualities, community service, and how many times you’ve applied, are just a few of the examples.

We have a favorite saying here at Leadership Music.  The class you are in is the class you are meant to be in.  If the Leadership Music program is truly something you are determined to experience, the best advice would be to continue to apply every year.

I understand Leadership Music Alumni are asked to nominate candidates for the incoming class. If I am nominated, do I still need to apply?

Yes, regardless of whether you are nominated, you must apply each year.  Leadership Music accepts nominations from alumni in January.  All those nominated will receive an email from Leadership Music in February with a link to apply. You DO NOT need to be nominated to apply.

Is there a personal interview component of the selection process?

Although personal interviews are not a part of the selection process, some applicants may be contacted by the staff.  In some instances, the selection committee may consult with the alum who nominate a candidate.

Who selects the members of the incoming class?

A selection committee comprised of approximately 20 Leadership Music alumni representing all segments of the music industry review the applications and submit a final recommendation to the board of directors. The board of directors’ vote on the proposed class slate as recommended by the selection committee.

When does the selection committee meet?

The selection process takes place during the months of March and April.

When will I be notified about my status for the next Program year?

The Leadership Music Board of Directors will vote and approve the class slate as recommended by the Selection Committee at its May quarterly board meeting. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance in June.

How many applicants are accepted for each Program year?

The number fluctuates from year to year; however, on average, the class size is approximately 45.

What are some of the criteria for acceptance?

The success of the program depends largely on the composition of the class. The goal of the selection committee is to choose a class that is well-balanced, diverse, and represents various segments of proven leaders within, or associated with the music industry. There are many factors considered in determining whether an applicant will be accepted into the Program. The ideal candidate displays leadership qualities in all facets of their life, both personally and professionally.

What is the attendance policy?

Each participant is permitted to miss a maximum of 1 program day or the equivalent of 12 hours due to extreme circumstances except for Opening and Closing retreat. Extreme circumstances are defined as unavoidable absences that may be job or health related.  If a participant must be absent due to an extreme circumstance, the Leadership Music Executive Director must be notified in writing as soon as it is anticipated. Opening and Closing Retreats are mandatory, and no portion may be missed.  No exceptions.  Missing Opening or Closing Retreat will preclude participants from graduating from the Leadership Music Program. The Leadership Music program should not be entered into without the commitment of the applicant and the applicant’s employer.

What is the cell phone policy?

To ensure participants are fully engaged and respectful of the process, the special guests, the committee and fellow classmates, all devices must be turned off. During each program day, there are scheduled device breaks where devices are permitted during that time only. For emergency situations, Leadership Music provides all class members with staff cell phone numbers where they may be contacted during a program day.  These devices are kept on all day. We recommend Supervisors, co-workers, family, and friends be advised of this policy.

Are there any costs involved in the Program?

Yes, there is a non-refundable tuition fee of $1,750 due August, once accepted into the program. *   Our corporate donors generously underwrite most of the costs related to the program. We are incredibly grateful for their commitment to Leadership Music and the program.

If your participation in the program requires travel to Nashville, Leadership Music is not responsible for paying any cost associated with, or reserving, air travel, hotel accommodations, or ground transportation outside of the program itself.  Leadership Music provides ground transportation during all program days.  The class meets at a central location with all members of the class riding a luxury coach throughout the day.

Leadership Music has negotiated rates at several Nashville area hotels.

* The inability to pay tuition should not discourage any applicant from applying or accepting the invitation to join the class.  Please contact the Leadership Music office for more information regarding tuition assistance.

What happens after I graduate in May?

At the end of the program year after graduation, the graduating class will be assigned to either co-chair or serve on a program day committee for the next class of Leadership Music.  The role you play is an important part of the process.  Alumni from previous classes volunteer to serve on committees to help the graduating class design the program for the new class, along with the Leadership Music staff.  Preparation begins in June, and program day committees meet with the Leadership Music staff for a series of meetings and check-ins throughout the year, beginning in July and leading up until their assigned program day.

Should you have any additional questions, please contact the Leadership Music office at (615) 770-7090